10 Reasons Why The Presidential Debate Was Like Watching Divorce Court
This is what I thought I was watching last night. #divorcecourt #presidentialdebate pic.twitter.com/03dZWOgxvP
— Christopher Hale (@Chrishale92) September 27, 2016
The race for the White House is on with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton going at it like an old married couple during Monday’s nights Presidential Debate. Viewers tweeted out reasons why they thought they were watching an episode of Divorce Court rather than a debate for the next President of the United States.
1. Only Judge Lynn Can Reign These Two In?
#BreakingNews : 2nd #PresidentialDebate Moderator announced… #DivorceCourt #Debates2016 #trump #clinton #debatenight #drumpf #crooked pic.twitter.com/ZPmOSi38yb
— big dave. (@BigDavePhilly) September 27, 2016
2. Like Lovers Talking Over Each
This debate feels like divorce court. #debatenight
— Liza Sperling (@lizasperling) September 27, 2016
3. It’s Always About Money
#debatenight feels like i’m watching a rich couple going through divorce and they’re arguing about who gets what
— alessandro (@gayestwhiteboy) September 27, 2016
4. Divorce Court The Movie
I feel like I’m watching the world’s longest episode of Divorce Court. #debatenight
— Kaci Aitchison (@KaciAitchison) September 27, 2016
5. Like The Man with 27 Children and 16 Baby Mamas
This is the strangest episode of Divorce Court #debatenight
— Simon Sun (@simonthesun) September 27, 2016
6. He Said/She Said
I feel like im watching #divorcecourt 🙄@realDonaldTrump & @HillaryClinton #debatenight #Debates2016 #PresidentialDebate
— Adrian F. McGuire ™ (@McGuire1978) September 27, 2016
7. Compelling Reality
Forty-five minutes in and I’m just now realizing this is NOT an episode of Divorce Court… So bummed. #debatenight
— Coy Sellers (@coysellers) September 27, 2016
8. Judge Lynn Would Definitely Tear Up That Marriage Certificate
For reals, this season of @divorcecourt is LIT. #debatenight pic.twitter.com/3slkDGgBtz
— Kwabena Ampofo (@KwabenaAmpofo) September 27, 2016
9. Who Gets Custody of the Hair?
This presidential debate is like divorce court with a paternity test, can’t nobody talk and everybody lying 😂😂😂
— chAotic Khaos (@a_bunok) September 27, 2016
10. Divorce Is A Debate in Divorce Court!
Is this #divorcecourt or #debatenight?
— Amanda Reinecker (@amandareinecker) September 27, 2016